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Does Money Really Affect Motivation? A Review of the Research

Even those who highlight the motivational effects of money accept that pay alone is not sufficient. The basic questions are: Does money make our jobs more enjoyable? Or can higher salaries actually demotivate us? ...Read more

Best wishes for 2021

Heb lief, Love one another, Αγαπάτε αλλήλους Best wishes for the New Year

14th Annual State of Agile report

"The vast majority of respondents (84%) said their organizations were below a high level of competency with Agile practices, signaling ongoing opportunities for improvement through supporting training and coaching." ...Lees meer

The November 2020 Scrum Guide is out!

The brand new Scrum Guide is out! Here is what chaged and here you can find the new guide. Enjoy reading!

First virtual PI-planning days @ Achmea

When I, a couple of weeks ago during our Scrum of Scrums, asked my fellow Scrum Masters if we are prepared for our Inspect & Adapt and PI Planning days in the light of the COVID-19 crisis, I thought I was being kind of silly. I am now grateful to all the bright...